Clips Crosby G-450
Cable ties Crosby SS-450
made of stainless steel
Clips Fist Grip G-429
S-421T wedge clamps
S-423T wedge clamps
Couplings Crosby SB-427
Anchor clutch G-517 "M-Line"
Open galvanized couplings
G-416 / S-416
Closed galvanized couplings
G-417 / S-417
Open cable lugs for pressure
testing S-501
Closed cable lugs for
crimping S-502
Steel crimping sleeves
National S-505
Duplex Crimping Bushings
National S-506
Clamp G-460 with a soft lug for
strapping ligaments
Clamp G-461 with a crochet in the
lug for strapping ligaments
McKissick® US-422T
Utility Wedge Sockets
COLD TUFF Buttons S-409